Grounding Meditation Tea Ceremony

What is a Grounding Meditation Tea Ceremony and How Does it Work?

Grounding Meditation is a form of meditation with the objective of physical, mental and spiritual replenishment, by reconnecting with the cycles and circuit of nature.  The meditators gets back in touch with the present moment by focusing their attention on the physical world around them. In Grounding Meditation, the practitioner physically touches and connects with the Earth. This can be done by walking barefoot across the ground, or by touching the tips of fingers of the hands to the Earth while in sitting meditation.


The Tea Ceremony takes that energy to a deeper, more-connected level. To begin the ceremony, the meditation group gathers in three rows facing the guide. A tea tray is placed in front of each participant. The tea tray contains a tea cup, a tea pot, loose leaf tea, a small jar of honey and a small tree or other live plant.


The Grounding Tea Ceremony unfolds in four parts. Through the practice of mindfulness, visualization and gratitude, the guide leads the group through the tea ceremony. The meditators will the tea, the honey and the plant all play an important role in their journey to reconnect with nature. The meditation sessions concludes with the guide playing a set of crystal singing bowls tuned to 432hz, which is the grounding frequency. The meditators are invited to continue enjoying their tea, continue their shared breathing with their plant and relax while they immerse themselves in the sound bath. If you've ever experienced a sound bath from crystal singing bowls, you know it is a very relaxing, very calming, very grounding experience.